The club executives
Elections for the committee are held annually. Any member in good standing may stand for election. Additional members can be co-opted.
Except for the secretary, committee members receive no renumeration.
The committee meets at least once a month.

Brent Meersman
Joint Chairperson
Brent Meersman is co-editor of GroundUp News. He was a weekly contributor to the Mail & Guardian from 2003 to 2016; a bi-weekly columnist for This is Africa from 2014 to 2018, and South African bureau chief, writing on politics and economics for New Africa Analysis (London) from 2010 to 2011. He is the author of a number of books, including four novels. His books have been published in the US and translated and published in Germany.

Twanji Kalula
Joint Chairperson
Twanji has spent over a decade working in the media industry, producing content for television, print and digital. In addition to producing programming for the national broadcaster, he spent a number of years working at and its associated channels. He is currently the editor of the annual English Alive anthology and works as a communications specialist in the financial services industry.

Lalage Maurer

Mark Novitz
Mark Novitz is an advocate of the High Court . He is the Honorary Consul of Peru in Cape Town.

Colleen Monaghan
Colleen Monaghan manages fundraising and operations at GroundUp, a human rights news agency. Originally from the San Francisco Bay Area, Colleen brings over 10 years of non-profit management experience to the committee.

Anthony Butler
Anthony Butler is a Professor of Political Studies and a long time member of the Cape Town Press Club. His research has focused on the politics of public policy, with special reference to black economic empowerment, the resources sector, energy policy, public health, and state reform.

Marion Edmunds
Marion Edmunds, a former member of the committee is a freelance journalist, producer and documentary director, with a deep interest in politics.

John Matisonn
Veteran journalist John Matisonn is a South African political journalist and author. He was one of the founding councillors of South Africa’s Independent Broadcasting Authority and from 1986 to 1991 was the South Africa correspondent for National Public Radio in the United States

Sue Segar
Sue Segar is a freelance journalist and former member of the committee.