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The name of the Club shall be “CAPE TOWN PRESS CLUB NPC”.
Registration No: 2018/525713/08
The objectives of the Club shall be to promote the professional, social and other interests of Cape Town’s Press, media and communications industries, and thereby to endeavour to enhance, uphold and defend the fundamental rights of freedom of speech, conscience and association, principles that are secured in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa.
The Club shall have all powers to attain these objectives including opening accounts at a bank or any other financial institution, through which all the financial affairs of the Club shall be conducted.
In the event of the dissolution of the Club should there remain, after payment of liabilities, any properties or other assets, these shall be disposed of as decided by a Special General Meeting called for this purpose and in compliance with the provisions of Item 1(4)(b) of Schedule 1 of the Companies Act No 71 of 2008 (the Act).
Membership shall be restricted to persons over the age of 18 years and shall comprise the following categories:
5.1 Full Members – Restricted to working and former journalists and foreign correspondents, including news photographers, bloggers, and cartoonists.
Members, who joined prior to 2020, remain full members.
5.2 Associate Members – Other suitably qualified people who share a keen interest in current affairs and who wish to participate in civic life.
5.3 Student Members – Must be full-time students studying journalism at any tertiary institution in the country.
Subscriptions are payable as from the first of January each year. The Committee will determine the amounts annually.
The Committee may suspend membership or take steps it deems necessary should a member fail to pay the required subscription on or before the 31st of March.
7.1 Applications for membership must be approved by the Committee, which may accept or reject applications at its discretion. Applications must be supported by a proposer and a seconder, who are paid-up Full Members or Associate Members in good standing. Full and Associate Members shall have full voting powers at all meetings of the Club.
7.2 Student Members do not have voting rights.
8.1 The Club shall be managed by a six-member committee, of whom three are directors, and who shall be elected at an Annual General Meeting (AGM).
8.2 The Committee may fill vacancies and co-opt additional members by appointing any suitable members of the Club, always acting in the spirit of Section 2.
8.3 The committee shall be elected at the AGM by members present by secret ballot.
8.4 All nominations for the Committee shall be in writing and signed by the proposer and seconder, who must be in good standing in the books of the Club and shall reflect that the nominee has agreed to such nomination. Nominations must reach the Secretary not less than 24 hours before the AGM commences.
9.1 An AGM of the Club shall be held once a year, not later than the 30th day of March.
9.2 The business of an AGM shall include:
9.2.1 Consideration and acceptance of reports of the Chairman and of the balance sheet for the year ending 31 December.
9.2.2 Any resolutions arising therefrom.
9.2.3 Election of members of the Committee.
9.2.4 Notices of motion, in respect of which written notices specifying the motion shall have been lodged with the Secretary 9 days before the AGM.
9.2.5 Appointment of Auditors, or Accountants and confirmation of their remuneration.
9.2.6 Any other business, provided that no other resolution may be adopted unless three-quarters of the members present vote in favour of the resolution.
9.3 At all General Meetings, 5% of the Club’s total membership present shall form a quorum. At any general meeting at which a quorum is not present within the first 15 minutes of the time appointed, the meeting shall be adjourned for 7 days at the same
time and place.
9.4 Seven (7) days’ notice in writing shall be given in respect of all General Meetings specifying any special business to be transacted and the date, time and place of the meetings.
However, in respect of an AGM, 15 days written notice shall be required.
9.5 A Special General Meeting of the Club may be convened by the Committee at any time or on written requisition of not less than 10 members in good standing. Such a special General Meeting shall deal only with the business for which it was convened.
10.1 Minutes shall be kept of all Meetings.
10.2 The Club shall be capable of holding property in its own name and shall have perpetual succession.
10.3 The Club shall be a legal entity distinct from its members and may sue or be sued in the name of the Club.
10.4 This constitution may not be amended unless two-thirds of those members present at a General Meeting vote in favour of the amendment PROVIDED that the amendment proposed shall have been given with the notice convening the meeting concerned.
10.5 On any point of order or of interpretation of this constitution the decision of the Chairman of that meeting shall be binding.
10.6 The Chairman of any meeting shall have full powers to regulate the conduct and procedures of that meeting.
10.7 No member of the Club shall be liable for payment of any debts or engagements of the Club beyond the amount of any unpaid subscription due by the member.
10.8 The Club’s financial year shall coincide with the calendar year.
March 2021