Home Events Shamila Batohi and Anton du Plessis – Rebuilding the NPA is crucial for South Africa’s future
NPA Leadership Shamila Batohi and Anton du Plessis

Shamila Batohi and Anton du Plessis – Rebuilding the NPA is crucial for South Africa’s future

National Director of Public Prosecutions Shamila Batohi heads up the NPA (National Prosecuting Authority) with deputy Anton du Plessis. They will address the Cape Town Press Club on how rebuilding the NPA is crucial for South Africa’s future.

Advocate Batohi was appointed in February 2019. Previously, she was Senior Legal Advisor to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. She was also the first regional head of the Scorpions (Directorate of Special Operations) in KwaZulu-Natal.

Advocate Du Plessis is in charge of strategies, operations and compliance. Previously, he was Legal and Criminal Justice Coordinator in the United Nations Security Council’s Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate, based in New York. He also served as Executive Director of the Institute for Security Studies (ISS).

They will take questions.

Photo: NPA

The event is finished.


Thursday, April 25, 2024


Please arrive 30 minutes early
12:30 pm


Members: R300, Guests: R350 (includes a two-course meal plus complimentary wine). Working journalists: FREE but no lunch. Banking details are available on the website under the “Join the Club” menu item. Please use your surname AND the surname of the guest speaker as a reference. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice we will try to fill your place, but if not successful, you will be liable to pay.


The Grill Room - Kelvin Grove
144 Campground Rd, Newlands Cape Town
Click here to RSVP
