Wayne Duvenage on SA’s current attempts to get corruption under control
Wayne Duvenage, founder and CEO of the corruption-busting Organisation Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA,) will take the temperature of South Africa’s current attempts to get corruption under control. He will speak about whether he believes we are in a better place post the state capture years of the Jacob Zuma presidency. He will also reflect on what motivates and animates corruption and what the options are for citizens who want to stop the rot.
OUTA was initially founded to challenge the rationality of government’s eToll introduction in Gauteng. Building on its success, OUTA expanded its mandate in 2016 to become a proactive civil society organisation fighting corruption and maladministration.
With his business background and OUTA’s effective case management, Duvenage has become a prominent figure in the fight to turn the tide on the graft crippling South Africa.
He will take questions.
Photo/s: Daily Investor
Wayne Duvenage