Home Events Oscar Siwali of SADRA – Towards the 2024 National Government Elections
Oscar Siwali

Oscar Siwali of SADRA – Towards the 2024 National Government Elections

As party political campaigns slowly shift into gear in anticipation of the 2024 elections, so comes a great need to build up resilience against political violence and intimidation.  This is the expertise of Oscar Siwali, a man who places himself in the centre of conflicts in order to guide people to peace. His expertise comes from many hours on the ground in hotspots across Southern Africa. His art is to use practical tools and conflict resolution methods to create peacebuilders out of ordinary South Africans.

Mr Siwali will discuss how such peacebuilders might hold the electoral space and create an environment for a legitimate, peaceful, democratic election in 2024. This is all the more important as early forecasts suggest the ruling party of almost thirty years, the ANC, may, in at least some parts of the country, lose its dominant position. And as with all elections, there may be incentives in this high-risk poll to create conflict.

Mr Siwali heads a not-for-profit organisation, SADRA, which specialises in facilitation, conflict resolution and among other things, mediation of commercial and community disputes. He has extensive experience in this sphere, having worked as an election monitor and observer in Africa, and connected with organisations managing elections, as well as religious leaders, academics, and members of civil society who share a vision of non-violence.

Oscar Siwali holds a Bachelor of Theology, a Licentiate in Theology and numerous courses in Conflict Management, Non-violence, Children’s rights, Human rights, and MA (Master of Arts) in Conflict Transformation from CJP (Centre for Justice and Peacebuilding) of the Eastern Mennonite University, USA.

He will take questions.

Photo/s: LinkedIn

The event is finished.


Thursday, May 4, 2023


Please arrive 30 minutes early
1:00 pm


Working journalists: FREE but no lunch. Members: R300 (includes a two-course meal plus complimentary wine). Guests: R350 (includes a two-course meal plus complimentary wine). Banking details are available on the website under the “Join the Club” menu item. Please use your surname AND the surname of the guest speaker as a reference. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice we will try to fill your place, but if not successful, you will be liable to pay.


Palmyra Room - Kelvin Grove
144 Campground Rd, Newlands, Cape Town
Click here to RSVP
