Mmusi Maimane on “Crucial reforms needed for SA to prosper”
Mmusi Maimane, a founder for the Movement for Change, will address the Cape Town Press Club on crucial reforms he believes are needed if South Africa is to prosper and to create a truly united nation.
Maimane was leader of the official opposition, the Democratic Alliance (DA), from 10 May 2015 to 23 October 2019, and the leader of the opposition in the National Assembly from 29 May 2014 to 24 October 2019. Maimane resigned as DA leader in November 2019 after Helen Zille was appointed federal council chairperson and he said the party was no longer ‘best suited to take forward the vision of building one South Africa for all”.
Maimane is a regular columnist for News24, and a number of South African publications. Currently, he is working on a book about the future of South Africa.
He will take questions.
Photo: Report Focus News
Mmusi Maimane