Home Events Minister Patricia De Lille on key issues in her department
Patricia De Lille

Minister Patricia De Lille on key issues in her department


We regret to inform you that unfortunately, the event with Patricia De Lille has had to be cancelled due to circumstances beyond her and our control.

This follows last night’s cabinet reshuffle in which Minister De Lille has switched portfolios and has to attend to pressing technical and practical matters in the coming weeks as a result.

However, she has expressed a commitment to address the press club at a future date.


For those that have already paid for this event, please note that a credit for the next function will be held for you.

Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure Patricia de Lille will address the Cape Town Press Club on key issues in her department and the Infrastructure Investment Plan.

De Lille is leader of the Good party, a former trade-unionist and a veteran of the liberation movements.  She was the Mayor of Cape Town from 2011 to 2018 and was appointed as the Minister of Public Works and Infrastructure in May 2019.

She will take questions.

Photo/s: News24

The event is finished.


Friday, March 10, 2023


Please arrive 30 minutes early
1:00 pm


Working journalists: FREE but no lunch. Members: R300 (includes a two-course meal plus complimentary wine). Guests: R350 (includes a two-course meal plus complimentary wine). Banking details are available on the website under the “Join the Club” menu item. Please use your surname AND the surname of the guest speaker as a reference. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice we will try to fill your place, but if not successful, you will be liable to pay.




The Grill Room - Kelvin Grove
144 Campground Rd, Newlands Cape Town
Click here to RSVP
