Home Events Judge Dennis Davis – How robust is our judicial system?
Judge Dennis Davis

Judge Dennis Davis – How robust is our judicial system?

How robust is our judicial system against political sabotage? Can the courts hold the line against organised crime? Are the courts still our last line of defence against a captured state?

Judge Dennis Davis will speak to the Cape Town Press Club on this and other issues surrounding the country’s courts and judicial system.

Well known to the public because of his popular TV programme, Judge For Yourself, Judge Davis, now retired from the High Court, was also Judge President of the Competition Appeal Court of Cape Town. He served as a legal advisor to the Constitutional Assembly during the formation of South Africa’s new constitution.

Judge Davis has extensively published in academic journals and co-written eight books on a number of legal subjects.

He will take questions.

Photo: Adele Searll 100 Club


The event is finished.


Thursday, December 1, 2022


Please arrive 30 minutes early
1:00 pm


Members: R300 (includes a two-course meal plus complimentary wine). Guests: R350 (includes a two-course meal plus complimentary wine). Working journalists: FREE but no lunch. Banking details are available on the website under the “Join the Club” menu item. Please use your surname AND the surname of the guest speaker as a reference. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice we will try to fill your place, but if not successful, you will be liable to pay.


Palmyra Room - Kelvin Grove
144 Campground Rd, Newlands, Cape Town
Click here to RSVP
