Crispian Olver on the feud that took Cape Town to the brink
Crispian Olver, former medical doctor, political leader, environmental activist and public servant headed up an intervention to clean up corruption in the Nelson Mandela Bay metro, overturned by a pushback from corrupt forces. In search of answers Olver turned his attention to an ostensibly well-run city facing a water crisis.
Olver will address the Cape Town Press Club on what he discovered, getting to grips with the political meltdown within the DA and defection of de Lille to form her own party. In his book ‘A House Divided’ he explores how property interests are interwoven with political power through developments in Phillipi, on the West Coast and the Atlantic Seaboard and delves into attempts to ‘hijack’ civic associations.
Photo: Open Book Cape Town
Crispian Olver